No party is complete without a party game or two.  Here is a list of little mermaid themed party games to make sure the little ariels are kept entertained and happy.

Some of the most popular party games are those that have stood the test of time, the games we played when we were younger, party games like…

  • Musical bumps,
  • Pin the tail on the donkey,
  • Pass the parcel,
  • Musical chairs and what’s the time Mr Wolf.

All of these games can be adapted to match any party theme.

When playing games with a musical element like musical chairs or pass the parcel why not play songs from the little mermaid, or other water/mermaid type songs, its a very simple way to keep the theme of your party going. Here are some I found on youtube to get you going.

Little Mermaid Soundtrack

Barbie Mermaid Party

Keeping children entertained at a party can be a challenge but with a good selection of games and activities, the party should be a huge hit.

1. Bubble POP Game

You will need:

Small pieces of paper to insert into balloons (scroll to the bottom for a themed printable)
Balloons, to match your colour theme. Allow 2-4 per child.
Small prizes and perhaps one grand prize.


Mark some of the pieces of paper to show that the party players will be rewarded with a prize. You should allow about one prize per eight to ten balloons and allow 2-4 balloons per child. Tightly roll the paper and push through the necks of your balloons, and blow them up.

Prizes can be anything from sweets to small mermaid themed goodies.

How to play:

When you say go, the children rush to pop the balloon bubbles and see if the paper inside them awards them a prize.  Children should sit on the balloons to pop them, no sharp objects or teeth allowed.


Use these free printable mermaid tag as the labels to pop inside the balloons. 


2. Pin the Tail on the Mermaid

A nice simple variation of the classic game. Head over to Etsy and take a look at this super cute mermaid and unicorn game.  The mermaid is seriously adorable. Whats great is its a digital download so no waiting for the postman to deliver it and you can print off as may mermaid tails as you need.

3. Mermaid Racing Sacks

How great are these mermaid tail sacks. This game is a brilliant way to get the children running around having fun.  The games can be run as an individual race with the winner taking away a prize or make this a team relay race. 

Make your own sacks from old pillow cases, add some painted scale details and go crazy with the glitter. not in the creative mood we have you covered you can get these bright mermaid racing sacks from Amazon.